Awards and Festivals
May is a busy month and we're so excited!

May is a busy time. We have the Saskatchewan Book Awards on Thursday, May 4 and the Cathedral Village Arts Festival on Saturday, May 27.
We look forward to the book awards. It's always a chance to meet fellow writers and hang out with friends. As well, the event is being held in Saskatoon for the first time ever—as far as we know—and we've heard that it coincides with the Saskatchewan Libraries Conference, so it should be a fun and interesting night.
We're also excited about the Arts Festival. It's always our best day of sales throughout the year, and we love getting out and talking to readers.
The whole day has its own vibe. Nine city blocks are blocked off for food, crafts, art, and musicians, with an estimated 40,000–45,000 people attending. It's a day full of energy, sounds, colour, and delicious smells and Angie and I are in the middle of all of it trying to get people's attention.
The day is long—from 10 am to 5 pm—but we set up around 8 am. Throughout the day, I usually convince family members to run and get me food or more books.
Also, the weather can go from hot sunny to rain and wind at a moment's notice, so we always have to be on our toes and ensure everything can be protected from water or blowing away.
Early on in our writing career, Angie and I realized we were pretty good in these situations. We're not shy and like to talk and have fun. So by the end of the day, we're exhausted and hungry but also buzzing from a great day of sales and grateful for everyone who visited us.
All in all, I can't wait to enjoy what this month has in store for us.
There are all sorts of indicators that spring is officially here. The snow is gone (amen), the crocuses and irises are popping up from the ground, robins are seen flying around, and restaurants, coffee shops, and bars are putting their patio furniture out.
Most importantly, the countdown to the Cathedral Village Arts Festival has begun.
I often feel like the Cathedral Village neighbourhood is, in some small way, like Soho in London or Greenwich Village in New York—artsy, creative, and diverse. A place where businesses and residents are close, where the architecture is the oldest in our city, and where urban is mixed with green spaces. There's nowhere like it in Regina.
And the Arts Festival isn't just a single day of festivities and selling, but a week-long celebration.
It begins on Victoria Day with a pancake breakfast for anyone who wants to come, eat and socialize. Murals and art appear around the neighbourhood, along with improv, dance and street performances, poetry readings, and loads of musicians entertaining anyone in various venues. The week of celebration culminates with the street fair David mentioned above—a thing you must experience to understand.
It's a lovely time for us to meet new readers, see Counios and Gane supporters, and just have an all-around busy, social, and super-fun day spreading the love of books, reading, and community.
As traditions and celebrations go, this welcome-to-spring event is a Counios and Gane favourite.
We hope to see you there!