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The Shepherd & Wolfe Mysteries
After high school student Tony Shepherd's girlfriend goes missing, he recruits the help of wise-ass troublemaker Charlie Wolfe to find her.
Together, they become an unstoppable duo with a special knack for getting into trouble—and stopping serial killers.
Read this internationally award-winning series today.
- Along Comes a Wolfe (2016)
- Shepherd's Watch (2017)
- Wolfe in Shepherd's Clothing (2018)
- Shepherd's Call (2022)
- Wolfe's Blood (TBA)
About the Authors
Angie Counios and David Gane are the internationally award-winning writing team of the Shepherd & Wolfe mystery series. They’ve known each other nearly 20 years, first as in-laws when David married Angie’s sister, before collaborating together on screenplays and novels since 2003.
Awards and Nominations
Shepherd's Call
Wolfe in Shepherd's Clothing
- Finalist - Young Adult Book - 2019 High Plains Book Awards
- Finalist - 2019 Young Adult - Sask Book Awards
- Finalist - Young New Adult - 2019 Next Generation Indie Book Awards
Shepherd's Watch
- Finalist - Second Novel - 2019 Next Generation Indie Book Awards
- Moonbeam Winner 2017 Silver - Young Adult Fiction - Horror/Mystery
Along Comes a Wolfe
- Sask Book Awards - Winner 2017 - First Book Award
- Moonbeam Winner 2017 Gold - Best First Book - Chapter Book
- Finalist - 2017 Young Adult - High Plains Book Awards
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These are the perfect books for moms and dads, teenagers or young adults, or anyone seeking an enjoyable, engaging, and exciting mystery series.
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