Celebration Time

Life should be about celebrations—big and small.

Celebration Time


Life should be about celebrations—big and small.

Celebration #1

Spring Equinox was on the 20th of March—a stepping stone to growth and renewal after a long cold winter.

Although our landscape still has too much snow, more and more puddles, and pavement appear. Spring is coming, and I rejoice in making it through another winter of frigid temperature walks.

Celebration #2

The shortlist announcement for the SaskBook Awards was on the 24th of March at the Regina Public Library, and Shepherd's Call, our fourth book in the Shepherd and Wolfe series, was shortlisted for the City of Regina Book Award category.

This is the third SaskBooks nomination for our little series that keeps on going, and it's exciting!

I'm grateful to participate in this event with so many talented authors. Thank you to our community and the book industry for this opportunity!

Celebration #3

The end of this month brings us one final celebration: David's 50th birthday. Yay! He's still enthusiastic with ideas, creativity, and accountability to meet daily.

Where would Shepherd and Wolfe be without him? Frankly, the stories would never have been born.

Where would I be without him? I don't want to think about that.

Happy birthday, David!


Thank you, Angie, for all that you do.

I always appreciate how she cherishes these moments. She celebrates our wins and successes but also takes a moment to enjoy sunsets, meteor showers, and beautiful vistas.

I, on the other, get a little too busy and forget.

We'll finish a book, get a nomination, or have a good sales day, and I'm already thinking about the next thing.

To counter that bad habit, I tried to cherish my 50th birthday and our book nomination and celebrate that my walks are a little warmer every day.

One final celebration Angie didn't mention: I finished reading and making notes on her half of Book 5. There's still lots of rewriting and work ahead, but it's good to see this series' final book coming along.

Thank you to the SaskBook for our City of Regina nomination—and I can't wait to enjoy the evening of the awards!

And thank you so much for being a part of our journey.